Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon: Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society
October 8, 2021 - January 9, 2022
John D. Rockefeller 3rd (1906–1978), the founder of Asia Society, bequeathed the institution a collection of nearly three hundred works of art, which he had assembled with his wife, Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller (1909–1992), in the decades after World War II. Their collecting was intended for more than personal gratification; they believed in the capacity of art to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and to positively influence international relations, with the goal of improving understanding between citizens of the United States and those of Asia.
Through the lens of nearly seventy works from that foundational gift, Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon: Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society illuminates the impact and transformation of artistic styles associated with Buddhism and Hinduism — belief systems born in India — as they were transmitted across the continent over hundreds of years. Likewise, ceramics and metalwork from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand — intended to sustain life both in this world and the next — reveal complex networks of artistic exchange, through trade, missionary activity, and political and social change. Great artistic achievements of Asia’s diverse cultures are on view here; their presentation continues the Rockefellers’ vision of sharing extraordinary works of art with audiences in the United States.
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Made in India, Tamil Nadu, Chola period, ca. 970, Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Shiva Nataraja), copper alloy, 26 3/4 x 21 1/2 x 10 in. (67.9 x 54.6 25.4 cm). Asia Society, New York: Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection, 1979.20. Photography by Synthescape. Courtesy of Asia Society and American Federation of Arts.
This exhibition is co-organized by the American Federation of Arts and Asia Society Museum.
The national tour of the exhibition is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.
The Ackland gratefully acknowledges Bank of America for major support of the Ackland’s presentation of Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon: Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society. Additional funding comes from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, the Ackland’s Ruth and Sherman Lee Fund for Asian Art, Betsy Blackwell and John Watson, and The Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs.
Additional support for the Ackland’s presentation of Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon: Masterworks from the Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection at Asia Society is provided by:
Smith Freeman and Austin Scarlett
McColl Family Foundation
Caroline and Arthur Rogers
Glenn Davis and Margaret McGuinn
Ryan Huckabee
“In Reverence for Asia: The Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection”
With Adriana Proser, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quincy Scott Curator of Asian Art, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore; former John H. Foster Curator for Traditional Asian Art at Asia Society Museum
Released Friday, Oct. 8 | Online
Valuable Vessels: 30-Minute Explorations of Exhibition Highlights with Leading Experts
Released Friday, Oct. 8 (Oct. 4 for Ackland members) | Online
Art Adventures
Saturday, Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. EDT | Virtual
$5, Free for Members; RSVP required
Yoga in the Galleries
Mondays, Oct. 11-Dec. 13, 12:15 p.m. | In-Person
$5, Free for Members; RSVP required
Guided Tours
Oct. 15, 22, 29; Nov. 4, 12, 19; Dec. 2, 10, 16; Jan. 5, 6, 7, 1:30-2 p.m. | In-Person
Free; RSVP required
Ackland F.A.M.: Diwali Celebration
Sunday, Oct. 17, 1-5 p.m. | Hybrid: In-Person and Online
Free; RSVP required for online programs
Guest Lecture: “American Tastes in Japanese Art: The Influence of Sherman Emery Lee”
With James Ulak, PhD, President, United States-Japan Foundation
Thursday, Nov. 11, 6-7 p.m. EST | Virtual
Free; RSVP required. Link available soon at ackland.org.
Art & Lit at the Ackland: “The Hare with Amber Eyes” by Edmund de Waal
Friday, Nov. 19, 3:30-5 p.m. EST | Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual
$18/$22; RSVP required
Curator-Led Tour
With Peter Nisbet, Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs
Saturday, Nov. 20, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. | In-Person
Free; RSVP required
Ackland F.A.M.: Sights and Sounds of Southeast Asia
Sunday, Nov. 21, 1-5 p.m. | Hybrid: In-Person and Online
Free; RSVP required for online programs
“Can Art Prevent War? A Panel on Cultural Diplomacy”
With Barbara Stephenson, Lien Truong, and Katie Ziglar
Wednesday, Dec. 1, 7-8:15 p.m. EST | Virtual
Free; RSVP required. Link available soon at ackland.org
Last Look Tour
With Peter Nisbet, Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs
Sunday, Jan. 9, 3:30-4:30 p.m. | In-Person
Free; RSVP required