Religion and Ritual
January 3, 2018 - May 13, 2018

Asia is the birthplace of many of the world’s major systems of belief, and reflects the religious diversity of the planet. This installation presents the deities and artistic traditions of the world’s most populous continent, representing Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and more.
Read the Daily Tar Heel article!
Religion and Ritual is part of a groundbreaking re-installation of the Ackland Art Museum’s Asian galleries, presenting the Museum’s acclaimed collection of art from across the continent. Read the press release.
Image Credit: Vishnu, Indian (Mysore), Hoyshala Period, 14th century; chloristic schist. 39-1/2 x 29-5/8 x 3-11/16 in. Gift of Harry Lenart, 71.22.1.