Time Will Tell: Selected Works by the MFA Class of 2017
April 28, 2017 - June 4, 2017
Time Will Tell examines how the exhibition’s contributors, the 2017 Master of Fine Arts candidates at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, use their artworks to explore time as an indefinite period rather than as a measurement of specific durations.
These seven artists—Luke Firle, Wayne Marcelli, Joy Meyer, Vanessa Murray, Emily J. Smith, Louis Watts, and Lamar Whidbee—slow, stop, fold, or remove aspects of the passage of time in order to contemplate and complicate the personal, the universal, and the art historical. They deploy the idea of time as an expansive drift that requires subtle, quiet consideration.
Time Will Tell is curated by Jeff Bell, visual artist (MFA, UNC-Greensboro, 2008) and museum manager at 21c Museum Hotel, Durham.
Opening Party: Thursday, 27 April, 2017, 5-9 p.m. Free and open to the public.
Time Will Tell is made possible by Mr. and Mrs. George J. Still, Jr.
Image Credit: Joy Meyer, The Story of an Hour, 2017; multi-channel video. Courtesy of the artist.