
Membership is an ideal way to support exhibitions and programs and participate in the rich offerings of the Ackland. Member events are an excellent way to meet new and long-standing friends of the Museum who share your commitment to arts in our community.

Questions about membership? Please contact Ackland Membership at

Ackland Membership Levels

two people sit smiling at an event registration table

Whether you are a student or a longtime patron of the arts, there’s an Ackland membership that’s right for you! Explore the exciting benefits we offer at every level, like Museum Store discounts and exhibition openings, and other select benefits like parking validation, behind-the-scenes tours, and more.

Learn about Membership Levels

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Membership FAQ

Still not sure which membership level is right for you? See our Membership FAQ page!

Membership FAQ

Two women lean in to have a conversation in a crowded museum lobby

Membership Experience

five women stand beneath a large pointed archway

Ackland members form a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to supporting the arts.

Together, we explore other art museums through the Ackland’s participation in reciprocal membership programs, travel to arts destinations near and far, and help sustain the Ackland family here in Chapel Hill.

Explore your membership 

A Special Thank You

Thank you to our members at the Patron level and above for their generous support of the Ackland.

Todd and Blisse Adams
Gail and Bill Alberti
Ginnie Aldigé
Carol Anderson
Linda Anderson
Phil and Jan Bardsley
Stanley Finch and Jeffery Beam
Elizabeth and Danny Bell
Phyllis Bender
Carey and Doug Benham
Seth and Maria Bleier
Erwin and William Boyd
Jane Bultman
J. and Michelle Caceres
Ann and John Campbell
Bill Carl
Philip and Linda Carl
Ken and Ellen Chance
Tom and Nancy Chewning
Kelly Clay
Eunice Collins
Sidney and Ruth Cox
Alain and Anna Creissen
Margaret McGuinn and Glenn Davis
Emilie deLuca
David and Martha Dill
Wayne Vaughn and Shirley Drechsel
Shelley Earp
Walter and Laura Elcock
John and Kerrie Ellison
Richard and Donna Falvo
Neil Blumenkopf and Irene Faust
Bill Bracey and Jane Fisher
Mif Flaharty
Linda and Jaroslav Folda
James and Mimi Fountain
Diane Frazier
Smith Freeman and Austin Scarlett
Albert and Carolyn Gard
Louise and Joseph Gazzoli
Cindy and Ronald Geary
Art and Ruth Gerber
Campbell Gibson
Mary Gilland
Carol Gillham
Terry Greenlund
Joe and Betsy Hackney
Nortin and Carol Hadler
Kiki Happer
Clay and Jane Harrell
Ellen Sullivan and Jack Hazerjian
Hassan Melehy and Dorothea Heitsch
Dottie Heninger
Bernie and Becky Herman
Chip and Rickie Howard
Ryan Huckabee and Nick Dantonio
Celeste and Will Hyde
Melissa Gilkey and Martin Johnson
Bain and Betsy Jones
Rudy and Eve-Lynn Juliano
Dick and Sally Kahler
Howard and Joan Kastel
Boo and John Kennedy
Anna Kirby
Jack Knight and Margaret Brown
Marcia Koomen
Vince and Katherine Kopp
Jeff Lang
Jay and Hunter Levinsohn
Nerys Levy
Robert Lewis and Gloria Lightsey-Lewis
Robert and Shari Ligett
Paul Hrusovsky and David Lindquist
Patrick and Mildred Long
Karen and Chuck Lovelace
Jenny and Peter Mabie

H.R. and Betsy Malpass
Nancy Mannes
George and Catherine Manning
Jeff Mason
John and Alice May
Shaun and Jennifer McCabe
Nancy McCormick
Nancy McLendon and Bill Chappell
James and Susan Moeser
Mary and Ted Moore
Beth Moracco
Leigh Mote and Mark Scroggs
Denise Murrell
Lee and Ava Nackman
Paula Noell and Palmer Page
Ellen O’Brien and Steven Chall
Pat and Mary Norris Oglesby
Kerry and Margaret Ostrom
Mary and Edward Owen
Rick Pardue
Kendal Parker
Joe and Christy Parrish
Jimbo and Elizabeth Parrott
Todd Peackock and Diandra Ayala-Peacock
Amy and Nick Penwarden
Alexandra Fleming and Lee Phillips
Karen Popp and M.C. Ragsdale
Suzanne Porter
Jane Preyer and Lark Hayes
Brittany and Tyler Ramer
Louise and Edmund Reiss
Carol Richards
Luke and Wendy Riggsbee
Ed and Deborah Roach
Francine and Ralph Roberson
Josy and Darren Roche
Arthur and Caroline Rogers
David and Lia Royle
Jen and Al Runquist
Meredith and Brother Rutter
Kristen Ryan
Colin Hicks and Ashlee Sadler Hicks
Ronald Schwarz and Mina Levin
Soma Sengupta and Daniel Krummel
Dan and Gay Shackelford
Carole Shelby
Sidney and Katherine Shen
John and Talia Sherer
Robert and Lucy Sherman
David and Catherine Singley
Andy Sisson and Karen Levine
Carol Smithwick
Steven and Wendy Sorin
Carol Stamm
Bill and Sandy Steele
John Becton and Nancy Tannenbaum
Caroline Taylor
Joel Tesch and Leela Srinivasan
Mark and Tori Toles
Bill Torres and Jack Sawyer
Tom Fiore and Carol Tresolini
Ronald and Ana Tuckman
Nancy Tunnessen
Tonya Turner Carroll and Michael Carroll
Karen Turpin
Jim and Alison Vernon
Joe and Tina Vrabel
Harry and Barbara Walsh
Arete Warren
Gregg and Martha Warshaw
Marlie and Mark Wasserman
Mal and Amanda Watlington
Paul Connuck and Lauren Weinberger
Kathleen Wells and Donald Dillport
Roger and Marlene Werner
Derek and Louise Winstanly
Lila Wolff
Bonnie and Jim Yankaskas
Rosilene Ziegler
Olivia Zvara and Thomas Daubert