A New Look: The Permanent Collection Galleries Re-energized
December 1, 2018 - January 5, 2020

The Ackland’s permanent collection galleries have been re-imagined, re-designed, and re-installed. With newly configured space for global art after 1950 and an expanded gallery for African art, this project will also present recent acquisitions, a new selection of Asian art, an enhanced ability to present works on paper, and important new approaches to information and interpretation. Take a fresh look!
Image credit: Unidentified artist, South African, Nguni peoples, Zulu peoples: Purse, 19th century; beads and reeds, 6 1/2 × 5 1/2 in. (16.5 × 14 cm). Ackland Fund and Gift of Norma Canelas Roth and William Roth, 2017.19.6.